Miembros Honorarios


Los miembros honorarios, a pesar de que se oponen a la versión oficial sobre los hechos del 11 de setiembre de 2001, no son portavoces del Grupo 11/9 Consenso, que se puede encontrar aquí.


James W. Douglass, es un Teólogo Cristiano activista por la paz, y autor de numerosa literatura, incluido “JFK and the Unspeakable [JFK y lo indecible]” y “Gandhi and the Unspeakable [Ghandi y lo innombrable]”. Activista por la desobediencia civil hacia la Guerra de Vietnam, las Armas Atómicas y la Guerra de Iraq. El y su mujer Shelley son co-fundadores del Centro “Ground Zero” para la Acción No Violenta en Poulsbo, Washington, y de “La Casa de María”, hospedaje para trabajadores Católicos en Birmingham, Alabama. Su libro “JFK y lo indecible” fue descripto por Oliver Stone como “el mejor relato que leí sobre esta tragedia y su significado”.
Sr Fernando Imposimato (9.4.1936 – 2.1.2018) era el Presidente Honorario de la Corte Suprema Italiana y Juez de instrucción retirado. Tuvo a su cargo la instrucción de varios casos relacionados al terrorismo, incluido el secuestro y asesinato del Primer Ministro Aldo Moro y el intento de asesinato al Papa Juan Pablo II. Fue Consultor Legal de Naciones Unidas. Ha declarado publicamente que el 11 S fue una operación de falsa bandera, recomendando su esclarecimiento en la Corte Criminal Internacional, creada para proteger al mundo de los actos criminales de guerra. Además es autor de los siguientes libros, “La Grande Menzogna: Il ruolo del Mossad, l’enigma del Niger gate, la minaccia atomica dell’Iran [La Gran Mentira: el enigma de Nigergate, la amenaza nuclear de Irán]”, “Terrorismo internazionale. La verità nascosta [Terrorismo Internacional. La verdad oculta]”, y “I 55 giorni che hanno cambiato l’Italia [Los 55 días que cambiarón a Italia]” relacionado al caso de Aldo Moro.
Mr. Mathieu Kassovitz is a French director, screenwriter, producer, and actor. His work is well known both in and outside France. He has won several awards for his films, including Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival for La Haine, for which he was hailed as the heir to Truffaut. He was nominated as Best Director for The Crimson Rivers, which also won the Gold Star for Best Director. He has won three César Awards for his craftsmanship in film. His latest film is Rebellion. Kassovitz has raised questions on French television about 9/11 as a US conspiracy.
Dr. Lynn Margulis (5.3.1938 – 22.11.2011) was Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1983, and received from William J. Clinton the Presidential Medal of Science in 1999. The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., announced in 1998 that it will permanently archive her papers.
The Rt. Hon. Michael Meacher, MP, British Parliament (4.11.1939 – 21.10.2015) was Labour MP for Oldham West and Royton since 1970, and Minister of State for the Environment from May 1997 to June 2003. Regarding 9/11: “I do not subscribe to any theory about what actually did happen since in my view there are still far too many uncertainties – all I do know is that the official account has so many flaws and inconsistencies in it that it is simply not credible as it stands.”
William F. Pepper is a Barrister, called in 1991 to the Bar of England and Wales, and an Attorney at Law in the United States, specializing in international human rights. He represented Dr. Martin Luther King’s family in a civil action which revealed the truth about the assassination, including the innocence of King’s alleged assassin, James Earl Ray, whom he also represented. He is a past Convener of the Seminar in International Human Rights at the University of Oxford, England. Though not an investigator of the 9/11 tragedy, he has long been an advocate for a comprehensive, independent investigation of that event which he believes would be the best memorial to those who lost their lives, and the fulfillment of an outstanding obligation to their families whose questions remain unanswered.
Andreas von Bülow. German writer, lawyer, and politician. He served for 25 years in the German parliament, was state-secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Defense (1976-1980) and Minister of Research and Technology (1980-1982) under the Chancellor Helmut Schmidt administration. He worked on the intelligence services parliamentary committee, which led to his investigation of criminal activities in Western intelligence services, and to two books, “Im Namen des Staates: CIA, BND und die kriminellen Machenschaften der Geheimdienste”, and “Die CIA und der 11. September: Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste”.


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