Dr. MacQueen and Architect Bill Brinnier, Dec. 10 2014 Press Conference, Parliamentary Press GalleryComo consecuencia de la Conferencia de Prensa Parlamentaria de las tres organizaciones abajo mencionadas (Dic. 10, 2014), la Petición por el 11-S, que fuera recientemente presentada ante el Parlamento y que exige una profunda revisión del Reporte confeccionado por la Comisión del 11-S, tuvo cobertura nacional en la TV Global:

Peticionan al gobierno de Canadá revisar la evidencia del 11-S” (archive copy; backup)

La TV Global presenta al Panelista de Consenso del 11-S Dr. Graeme Mac Queen discutiendo los 44 Puntos del Panel de evidencia, confrontando el Reporte elaborado por la Comisión del 11- S.


Conferencia de Prensa, Miércoles 10 de diciembre, 11 AM,
Sala Charles Lynch, 130-S, Centro Block Parliament Hill, Ottawa.

Tres Organizaciones Profesionales Ofrecen Evidencia Basada en los testimonios
Como Ayuda Solidaria a las familias de las víctimas de los Norteamericanos.

Ottawa ON – El gobierno de Canadá tiene ahora una petición reclamando una profunda revisión Parlamentaria de las evidencias forenses en lo que respecta a los eventos del 11 de setiembre de 2001.

El proceso de peticionamiento parlamentario exige al gobierno una respuesta dentro de los 45 días calendario de presentada la petición.

La petición recientemente presentada por los ciudadanos a lo largo y lo ancho del Canadá está avalada por tres organizaciones de profesionales quienes recabaron información de las evidencias del 11-S durante años.

ReThink911.ca, con base en Otawa, hace hincapié en el rol imperecedero que les corresponde a los miembros de las familias Norteamericanas las que por respeto a las valiosas vidas perdidas y para honra de sus muertos reclaman hacer conocer la verdad por medio de una investigación independiente sobre el 11-S.

Arquitectos e Ingenieros para la Verdad del 11-S (ae911truth.org), Organización integrada por 2300 arquitectos e ingenieros que exigen una nueva investigación basada en la evidencia de demolición controlada. Esta organización produjo el detallado documental 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out [9/11 Evidencia Explosiva – Hablan Los Expertos]”, en el cual 40 técnicos y profesionales de la construcción explican sus conclusiones acerca de “la demolición controlada”. Este film se consagró como el video “más visto” a nivel nacional en PBS.org en setiembre de 2012, y se encuentra disponible en una versión de 15 minutos narrada por el actor Ed. Asner.

El Panel de Consenso 9/11 (consensus911.org): 24 miembros expertos de la organización internacional de tres años de antigüedad denominada “Panel de Consenso para el 9/11” han desarrollado 44 Puntos de Consenso sobre “evidencia revisada” confrontando el informe oficial del 11-S. Los panelistas encuestados permanecen a ciegas unos con otros a través de un riguroso proceso de revisión. Incluye su análisis las sorprendentes actividades de los militares y los líderes políticos ese día. El proceso de consenso ha sentado un descrédito sin precedentes en relación a puntos específicos de evidencia relacionada al 11-S.


drapeau_AllemandThe media has claimed for more than a decade that it is unable to evaluate the technical evidence being presented against the official story of 9/11.

A parallel problem existed in medicine during the years when there were contradictory, unranked approaches to diagnosis and treatment.

This problem was greatly reduced by the introduction of “evidence-based” medicine.

Using widely accepted rigorous reviewing methods, medicine has now developed hundreds of standard Consensus Statements to guide physicians worldwide in diagnosis and treatment.

Similarly, 24 expert members of the three-year-old 9/11 Consensus Panel have now developed 44 Consensus Points of “best evidence” opposing the official account of 9/11.

The respondents, who remained blind to one another throughout the process, have provided three rounds of review and feedback that has been refined into 44 Points of “Best Evidence”.

This scientific process has yielded an unprecedented degree of credibility for specific points of evidence relating to 9/11.

The German version of the 9/11 Consensus Website can be found at www.consensus911.org/de/


Tod FletcherThomas (“Tod”) Christopher Fletcher was born in Alameda County, California, February 27, 1952. In 1980, while at Berkeley, Tod married Susan Elizabeth Peabody, a graduate student and later a teacher of English Literature.

Tod enrolled in the Berkeley Masters program in Geography, where he completed his thesis in 1982 (“The Mono Basin in the Nineteenth Century: Discovery, Settlement, Land Use,” 1982).

He then worked for several years towards his doctorate and completed all but his dissertation. But then a chronic illness, known as hypersensitivity to the environment, with which Susan had become afflicted, became so bad that she became bedridden. Wanting to take care of her himself, he could search for teaching positions only close to home. He taught at UC Berkeley until funding for the university was slashed, after which he taught at some junior colleges.

Tod published a book, “Paiute, Prospector, Pioneer: A History of the Bodie-Mono Lake Area in the Nineteenth Century” (Artemisia Press, 1987). In 2014, he was invited to give a lecture about this book at a conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the historic decision to protect Mono Lake. When he explained that he would not be able to attend, because he could not leave Susan for such a long period, the organizers told him that if he wrote the lecture, they would read it aloud, and this worked out.

In the years before 9/11, Tod wrote articles about the ecological crisis and the anti-globalization movement. These can be found at the Daily Battle website under his name or that of Max Kolskegg, Will Guest, and I. Berg.

Having sensed earlier than most of us the falsity of the government’s explanation of what had happened on 9/11, he said: “I never fell for the official explanation. I’ve been researching and writing about 9/11 since 9/12.”

Tod first contacted me about 9/11 in 2005 or 2006 and wrote the first Amazon review of my “Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11,” which he called “Griffin’s Best Book on 9/11.” He then wrote Amazon reviews for all of my subsequent books, both those on 9/11 and those on other topics, all of which were excellent. For example, although he was not a philosophy major, he wrote one of the two best reviews of my “Unsnarling the World-Knot: Consciousness Freedom, and the Mind-Body Problem.”

He also volunteered to critique all of my essays and lectures, providing always-helpful suggestions for improvement. I first met him face to face a few years later, when we had a 2 or 3 hour conversation. I then met him again in 2011 when he participated in the conference in Claremont about my thought. There he presented a paper entitled “An Appreciation of Dr. David Ray Griffin’s Contribution to 9/11 Research,” which was then included in the resulting book, “Reason and Reenchantment: The Philosophical, Religious, and Political Thought of David Ray Griffin.” Although he normally would not do anything that required him to be away from home overnight, he made an exception in this case (which was possible then, before Susan’s illness had become so much worse). I greatly appreciated his making this exception.

In addition, after I decided following an illness in 2010 not to do more radio interviews, Tod, who had for awhile had his own radio show, helped to do many of the interviews that I had been invited to give.

Tod’s other projects included helping Fred Burks with PEERS and the Want To Know website; conducting interviews published on KPFA’s Guns and Butter program with Bonnie Faulkner; and writing essays for the Journal of 9/11 Studies and for the well-known news-site, Global Research, run by Canadian economist Michel Chossudovsky.

Since 2011, Tod has been a participant in the work of the panel for Consensus 9/11, which presents evidence contradicting the official account of 9/11. This September, the Consensus 9/11 website featured Tod’s recent KPFA interview, “The Pentagon Attack in Context.”

Many of us will miss Tod, I especially, as Tod, in addition to all his previous help, aided me the past 3 years working on a book on global warming (“Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis”), spending many hours a week on the task. Besides being a great proof-reader, he seemed to know almost everything. I was greatly looking forward to sending the book to Tod so that he could see the fruits of our labors in final form.

Tod’s final act was as selfless as the rest of his life. After 28 years of suffering, Susan’s hypersensitivity had escalated to an intolerable degree, as she was made sick by everything in her environment, including her own clothes. Being in agony all the time, Susan needed help to end her life, and Tod did not wish to live on without her.

With elegant simplicity, he wrote two other friends and me by regular mail, telling us that by the time the letters were received, he and Susan would be in a better place. Then on September 30, he took Susan to Point Reyes National Seashore, where they moved on together.

I will miss Tod terribly – as an assistant, a colleague, and a friend. He was one of the finest human beings I have been blessed to know.

October 7 , 2014


Dr. David Ray Griffin9/11 Consensus Panel Member Tod Fletcher has written an appreciation of Dr. David Ray Griffin’s massive contribution to the 9/11 truth community, “Championing Truth and Justice: Griffin on 9/11,” from the new book of essays, Reason and Reenchantment: The Philosophical, Religious, and Political Thought of David Ray Griffin (2014).

Dr. Griffin is co-founder and moderator of the 9/11 Consensus Panel, along with Elizabeth Woodworth, co-founder and coordinator of the Panel.

Mr. Fletcher’s essay is available online and provides a good history of both Dr. Griffin’s work, and the development of evidence-based knowledge in the 9/11 research community.



Black Box ImageNEW YORK, September 10, 2014 – As disappearing airliners continue to dominate the headlines, new evidence is surfacing to negate official claims that the “black boxes” from the 9/11 planes were never found.

Firemen working at the Ground Zero in October 2001 claim to have found three of the four virtually indestructible boxes. The telltale flight recorder “pinging” had earlier been reported by the director of the New York State Emergency Management Office, and was confirmed by radio frequency detectors.

This information is presented by the 24-member 9/11 Consensus Panel, which uses a rigorous medical model to establish its evidence. The Panel has produced, over a three-year period, 44 peer-reviewed Consensus Points refuting official claims concerning the events of September 11, 2001.

Although 19 Muslim hijackers allegedly broke into the cockpits and commandeered four aircraft on 9/11, none of the eight pilots “squawked” the 7500 hijack code.

Nor is there any proof that the lost radar signals (which made NORAD interception difficult) resulted because alleged hijackers turned off the cockpit transponders.

This lack of proof is compounded by the fact that NORAD’s traditional procedures to intercept aircraft that deviate from course, or lose radar and radio contact, were not followed on 9/11.

Strangely, NORAD’s commander-in-chief, General Ralph Eberhart, had scheduled for the morning of 9/11 an unprecedented number of annual military air drills that involved most of the U.S. Air Force.

After being informed of the real-world attacks, Eberhart’s bewildering activities and decisions caused critical delays that led to an utterly failed military response.

His accounting of these delays, published in NORAD’s September 18, 2001, timeline, was reversed when he testified before the 9/11 Commission in 2003.

Further questions regarding official behavior arise in Point MC-10: “The Activities of NYC Mayor Giuliani on September 11, 2001.”

Giuliani told ABC’s Peter Jennings in the morning that while he and his Emergency Management team – who were in a building at 75 Barclay Street where they had set up temporary headquarters after the Twin Towers were struck – had been warned that the World Trade Center was going to collapse.

Giuliani failed to warn others of this notification. How he knew that the Twin Towers were going to collapse and why he did not pass this on requires intensive investigation under oath.

The 9/11 Consensus Panel joins such people as its Honorary Members, and more recently, 30-year career NSA official and whistleblower William Binney, in calling for a new investigation into 9/11.


Source:              The 9/11 Consensus Panel – @consensus911

Contact list:           www.consensus911.org/media-contacts/

Coordinator:     Elizabeth Woodworth, emwoodworth@gmail.com


“The Pentagon Attack In Context” with Tod Fletcher, on KFPA’s “Guns and Butter.”

Circular Hole in Pentagon Inner WallTod Fletcher, one of 22 researchers on the 9/11 Consensus Panel, explains how the Consensus Panel works, and presents a contextual approach to analyzing events at the Pentagon, about which there has been a great deal of confusion.

Fletcher also discusses the lack of evidence to support the official claims regarding the hijacker story and the telephone calls from the planes. He then presents a cogent analysis of eyewitness reports, the physical debris, the photographic and video evidence, and the missing black boxes.

This evidence-packed interview, originally broadcast September 3, 2014 at 1:00 PM Pacific time, is now available online.

Editor’s Note: Although individual Panel Members may have their own views about what impacted the Pentagon, the 9/11 Consensus Panel has not yet undertaken a full 22-member review of this controversial subject.


imagesHG6PVD28Junio 2, 2014 – Los 24 miembros del Panel de Consenso para el 11 S – que incluye físicos, químicos, ingenieros, pilotos comerciales, abogados y hombres de derecho, dieron a conocer hoy tres nuevos estudios que confirman la demolición controlada del edificio 7 del World Trade Center.
Los estudios refutan cientificamente la afirmación del Instituto Nacional de Stándares y Tecnología que, por primera vez en la historia el fuego causo el súbito y completo colapso de un enorme edificio con estructura de acero y con dispositivos contra incendios el 11 S.

(Nótese que mientras el Panel de Consenso utiliza metodología científica verificada por pares, el Reporte del INST carece de revisión por pares.)

El primer estudio del Panel aborda las simulaciones computarizadas del INST, que pretenden demostrar que una expansión térmica inducida por el fuego causó el desplazamiento de una viga en la Columna 79, iniciando en consecuencia el colapso global de todo el edificio de 47 pisos a las 5:21 de la tarde.

De todas formas, atento a una reciente solicitud de FOIA se realizaron dibujos arquitectónicos evidenciando que las simulaciones del INST omiten la estructura básica de soporte que hubiera hecho imposible el desplazamiento de esa viga.

El Segundo estudio del Panel de Consenso involucra la afirmación del INST de que no se recuperó acero alguno de esta masiva estructura metálica del rascacielo.

Esto es extraordinario, dado la necesidad de entender porqué por primera vez en la historia un edificio con estructura de acero hubo de colapsar completamente solo por el fuego y a los efectos de prevenir una recurrencia.

Ahora sabemos que se recuperaron fragmentos de acero. Fotografías encontradas recientemente por investigadores muestran una lámina de acero del WTC 7 extrañamente enroscada y un investigador del INST señalándola.

El tercer estudio del Panel muestra que el 11 de Setiembre de 2001, mucha gente fue informada horas antes que el edificio 7 del WTC iba a colapsar.
Ashleigh Banfield, reportero de MSNBC, dijo temprano en la tarde: “Escuché varios reportes de diferentes oficiales que ahora es este el edificio que se va a venir abajo a continuación”.

Muchos miembros del Departamento de Bomberos de Nueva York confidencialmente aguardaban que el edificio se viniera abajo :

El Bombero Thomas Donato dijo: “Estábamos parados, esperando al siete que se viniera abajo. Permanecimos allí en silencio un buen rato, un par de horas”.

El Asistente del Comisionado James Drury: “Debo haberme detenido allï. Había cientos de bomberos esperando–ellos estaban esperando que el 7 del World Trade Center se viniera abajo.”

El Jefe Thomas McCarthy: “Así que cuando llegué al puesto de comando, había una masiva concurrencia parada allí. Estaban esperando que el 7 se viniera abajo.”

Además, CNN y la BBC hicieron anuncios prematuros.

Este conocimiento de antemano corrobora la evidencia presentada previamente en los Puntos de Consenso (WTC7-1 to WTC7-5) de que el WTC edificio 7 fué derribado por demolición controlada.

Fonte: The 9/11 Consensus Panel   @consensus911
Contatto: www.consensus911.org/it/contatti-media/
E-mail: consensus911@gmail.com
Co-fundadores: David Ray Griffin, Elizabeth Woodworth


The 9/11 Consensus Panel is pleased to welcome Mr. Tony  Szamboti as a reviewing Panel Member.

Tony Szamboti is a mechanical engineer with 28 years experience in designing structures for the aerospace industry.   He is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.  He appeared in AE911Truth’s acclaimed 2012 documentary, “9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out“. 

More information on Panel Members here.


DutchFlagNoviember 26, 2013 — El Panel de Consenso para el 11 S se complace en anunciar la traducción al idioma Holandés de todo su sitio web, incluido los 37 Puntos de Consenso  desarrollados hasta la fecha

Tagged with:

JFK_UnspeakableNueva York, Noviembre 20 de 2013 – Este año, aniversario número 50 del asesinato de JFK, vio como Eduardo Snowden y Glenn Greenwald desnudaron con gran despliegue el “Estado Profundo” de generalizada ilegalidad con que se espía a ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos y sus aliados.

El conocimiento público de estos “Crímenes de Estado contra la Democracia” significa un cambio de juego que habilita tanto la reapertura del pasado como del presente.
Para honrar la vida de JFK, el Panel de Consenso para el 11 S destaca el trabajo de los eruditos que meticulosamente exponen el encubrimiento por parte de la Comisión Warren del crimen de estado en el asesinato de JFK.

Oliver Stone escribió :

“JFK y lo Indecible: Porqué Murió y Porqué importa” de James W. Douglass :
“Es el mejor relato que he leido de esta tragedia … .merece la atención de todos los Americanos; es uno de esos raros libros que facilitando la comprensión de nuestra historia, tiene a la vez el poder para cambiarla”

James Douglass, cuyo trabajo con lo “indecible” nos ayuda a comprender la despiadada naturaleza de este “Estado Profundo”, escribió :

“Dallas sentó las bases para el 11 S. Si entiendes el asesinato de JFK, entenderás todo- incluyendo la obvia verdad de que los edificios no ‘se cayeron simplemente’ de la forma en que señaló el Gobierno de los EE. UU. La Historia de JFK es una lupa de la verdad a través de la cual podemos observar nuestro mundo y como cambiarlo”.

El erudito en JFK Craig Ciccone compara los eventos:

“Cuanto más profundizo en el 11 S, más me enfermo. Las similaritudes entre ambos casos – tanto de los eventos actuales como de la investigación oficial– meten miedo. Como en el caso de JFK, el 11 S alardéa de una descarada ignorancia de las leyes de la física y la aerodinamia; de la destrucción de evidencia; de innumerables intentos para adecuar dicha evidencia a una historia predeterminada; de la existencia de incontestables conflictos de intereses por parte de quienes instruyeron la investigación ; y de una disparatada manipulación tanto de los testigos visuales como auditivos”

En el mismo sentido el erudito Dr. David Ray Griffin devela que 38 años después el “Estado Profundo” o permitió que pase o fué el causante del 11 S.

El Reporte de la Comisión del 11S (descripto por la Revista Harper’s como una “fachada” que defrauda a la nación ) forzó un encubrimiento que fué ruidosamente refutado por numerosos estudios de ingeniería, física y química revisado por pares.

El 2013, asistió también al lanzamiento del emblemático y acabado documental de Mázzimo Mazzuco, repleto de testimonios presenciales del 11 S, que ahora se une al clásico de ingeniería “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out [Hablan Los Expertos]”.

La evidencia revisada por pares de los 23 miembros del Panel de Consenso para el 11 S está disponible en Alemán, Español, Italiano, Francés e Inglés.

Fuente:       Panel de Consenso para el 11 S
Contacto:       consensus911(@)gmail.com


The 23-member 9/11 Consensus Panel has conducted three rounds of review, during which the Panelists were blind to one another, to produce five new Consensus Points refuting the official evidence of 9/11:

  • Seismic evidence of large underground explosions beneath the Twin Towers
  • Physical and testimonial evidence of explosions beneath the Twin Towers
  • Molten metal running below the Twin Towers’ debris for weeks after 9/11
  • The failure — after 7 years of effort — of the National Institute of Standards and Technology to produce a computer simulation of the collapse of World Trade Center 7 that matched the visual collapse
  • A serious problem in the timeline of the famous “Let’s Roll” call from Flight 93, which was used as a call to war

This brings the total number of Consensus Points to 37.


TruthSeeker_GladioThe 12-minute broadcast by Russia Today is called “9/11 and Operation Gladio”. It includes four members of the 9/11 Consensus Panel, including Dr. Daniele Ganser, author of “NATO’s Secret Armies,” Dr. Graeme MacQueen, co-editor of the “Journal of 9/11 Studies,” engineer and 9/11 researcher Jonathan Cole, and Elizabeth Woodworth, Co-founder with Dr. David Ray Griffin and Coordinator of The 9/11 Consensus Panel.

The show was broadcast five times and was viewed online during its first day of exposure by 100,000 people.


911TNPH_dvdAward-winning film-maker Massimio Mazzucco (@IMDb), a member of the 9/11 Consensus Panel, today released his comprehensive documentary, “September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor” (@IMDb). This educational 5-hour film, three years in the making and offered in 7 Parts, summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11.

Mazzucco writes, “While aimed primarily at a general, uninformed audience, the film also contains some new findings that may be of interest to advanced researchers. This film is intended as an educational, non-profit operation, and must remain so in order to fulfill all the requirements for the usage of copyrighted material. As such, the entire film is made available online for free from day one.”

The film is also available as 3 DVD’s, and has been translated into French and Italian (soon to become available online).

The contents of the documentary are indexed on Mr. Mazzucco’s website for ease of access to specific topics.